Foreign Exchange rate (ForEx rate) is one of the most important means through which a country's relative level of economic health is determined. A country's foreign exchange rate provides a window to its economic stability, which is why it is constantly watched and analyzed.
If you are thinking of sending or receiving money from overseas, you need to keep a keen eye on the currency exchange rates.
The a currency's exchange rate is defined as "the rate at which one country's currency may be converted into another." It may fluctuate daily with the changing market forces of supply and demand of currencies from one country to another. For these reasons; when sending or receiving money internationally, it is important to understand how exchange rates are determined.
This article examines some of the leading factors that influence the variations and fluctuations in exchange rates and explains the reasons behind their volatility, helping you learn the best time to send money abroad. When you are ready to send money internationally online, you can use our online comparison tool to find the best exchange rates today and lowest fees for your desired transfer.
How is an exchange rate determined? There are several factors that contribute to a currency's exchange rate. Here are some of the top factors that can affect an exchange rate:
Changes in market inflation cause changes in currency exchange rates. A country with a lower inflation rate than another's will see an appreciation in the value of its currency. The prices of goods and services increase at a slower rate where the inflation is low. A country with a consistently lower inflation rate exhibits a rising currency value while a country with higher inflation typically sees depreciation in its currency and is usually accompanied by higher interest rates.
How do interest rates affect money exchange rates? Changes in interest rate affect currency value and dollar exchange rate. Forex rates, interest rates, and inflation are all correlated. Increases in interest rates cause a country's currency to appreciate because higher interest rates provide higher rates to lenders, thereby attracting more foreign capital, which causes a rise in exchange rates.
A country's current account reflects balance of trade and earnings on foreign investment. It consists of total number of transactions including its exports, imports, debt, etc. A deficit in current account due to spending more of its currency on importing products than it is earning through sale of exports causes depreciation. Balance of payments fluctuates exchange rate of its domestic currency.
Government debt is public debt or national debt owned by the central government. A country with government debt is less likely to acquire foreign capital, leading to inflation. Foreign investors will sell their bonds in the open market if the market predicts government debt within a certain country. As a result, a decrease in the value of its exchange rate will follow.
A trade deficit also can cause exchange rates to change. Related to current accounts and balance of payments, the terms of trade is the ratio of export prices to import prices. A country's terms of trade improves if its exports prices rise at a greater rate than its imports prices. This results in higher revenue, which causes a higher demand for the country's currency and an increase in its currency's value. This results in an appreciation of exchange rate.
A country's political state and economic performance can affect its currency strength. A country with less risk for political turmoil is more attractive to foreign investors, as a result, drawing investment away from other countries with more political and economic stability. Increase in foreign capital, in turn, leads to an appreciation in the value of its domestic currency. A country with sound financial and trade policy does not give any room for uncertainty in value of its currency. But, a country prone to political confusions may see a depreciation in exchange rates.
When a country experiences a recession, its interest rates are likely to fall, decreasing its chances to acquire foreign capital. As a result, its currency weakens in comparison to that of other countries, therefore lowering the exchange rate.
If a country's currency value is expected to rise, investors will demand more of that currency in order to make a profit in the near future. As a result, the value of the currency will rise due to the increase in demand. With this increase in currency value comes a rise in the exchange rate as well.
These are the most common exchange rates that those who are looking to transfer or send money are searching:
How do you convert exchange rates? When sending money overseas, you can use our compare page to understand the current market exchange rate when sending money overseas.
All of these factors determine the foreign exchange rate fluctuations. If you send or receive money frequently, being up-to-date on these factors will help you better evaluate the optimal time for international money transfer. To avoid any potential falls in currency exchange rates, opt for a locked-in exchange rate service, which will guarantee that your currency is exchanged at the same rate despite any factors that influence an unfavorable fluctuation.
Using CompareRemit, you can compare dollar to peso exchange rate, usd to inr exchange rate, and more to find the best dollar exchange rate when sending money overseas. For more information on transferring money abroad, learn about some important tips for sending money overseas and your rights as an overseas money sender. If you're wondering how to calculate exchange rate to send money online, use our online exchange rate tool.