Pangea Money Transfer Reviews

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Pangea Money Transfer Reviews

Posted on December 11, 2024 09:23 am

You had no problem taking my money out of my account! My bank thinks this is insane. I don’t believe you will refund my money and just keep it for yourself. I will be reporting you to your supervisors

Michael Namaky
Posted on May 24, 2024 08:26 pm

Your Illegal action I did cancel the transaction within 30 minutes and you confirmed that, I used a different company and sent the funds, then without my knowledge and permission you took the money out of my checking account again and sent it to the recipient, this messed up my account in US as well as the recipient account. Read all your emails and listen to the recorded conversation by your agent. I am preparing a complaint for your illegal act to be sent to the Trade Commission as well as to be put on the social media about this. I lost $930 Date of experience: March 15, 2024

Angelito Savet
Posted on October 16, 2023 12:18 pm

WARNING!!! Don’t send money with this company. With a promise of HIGHER RATE. I tried it , using my debit card to be to be received in the Philippines to a bank. After 12hours at midnight I received a text that say my transaction was cancelled. It well take 3-5days for my money to be returned. This is a first time. I never ever encountered this kind of situation, to any money remittance. in fact, if you think about sending through this company just look at this facts. 1. When you go to the app, it looks like a Child built app. 2. When you look at your settings, the only thing you can look at is your name address etc. etc. and at the bottom it says cancel account/close account. 3. When you call the 1- 800 number and they supposed to be on Central standard time person answer you sound like they just woke up and sounded like they’re in the basement somewhere. This is not a professional company. Please don’t use this or if you want to use them. Good luck.

Adrian Garcia
Posted on August 25, 2023 10:50 am

Horrible service. I tried various ways to send funds. Each time getting cancelled and customer service stating it was the receivers bank withholding the transactions. My Receivers bank said they had no issues on their end and never received funds. They lure you in with the great exchange rate but since the money transfer never really goes through they do not honor it. I cancelled transaction and have to wait for a refund. I'm sure that is their end game, to hold clients money to make more money themselves without actually providing any service.

Posted on March 30, 2023 12:02 pm

A private investigator helped me have access to my Husband chats, calls, social media accounts, cash apps without having access to the phone. All intercepted data is received in real time. I recommend spyhacktech @ gmail com

Mr Vazquez
Posted on August 24, 2022 07:20 am

The service is fast and smooth but beware of their promo scam. They don't honor their promos so don't expect anything in return after you've sent money. I referred my friend using my link and code. After she sent the money no bonus money was issued to either. I called and was told Karen would return my call. I was ignored and no call was ever made to me.

Rishabh Parakh
Posted on January 15, 2021 10:27 pm

Fraud and scam. Both me and my wife transferred money using Pangea but they cancelled the transactions. I believe they are using the confidential data such as SSN and passport to perform scams

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on July 29, 2021 02:43 pm
Hi Rishabh, sorry that you are having problems using our service. Your privacy is very important for us-- please contact us at [email protected] so we can assist you further.

James/Pangea Money Transfer
Alba Fernandez
Posted on February 19, 2019 07:56 am

Pésimo servicio,envié dinero y en mi país no lo pagan porque la compañía no se los envía pronto

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on July 29, 2021 02:45 pm
Antes que nada, gracias por confiar en Pangea Money Transfer. Lamentamos que hayas tenido problemas con nuestro servicio. Por favor contáctanos en [email protected] para poder ayudarte.

James/Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on January 01, 2019 05:17 pm

They were good at first then my remittances start missing called everyday for 2 weeks no response to my problem I just got tired. This was last October 2018 and still I have not received my refund! Pathetic! I had to file a formal complaint with the State. It is so time consuming!

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on July 29, 2021 02:46 pm
Sam -
We are sorry for the inconvenience and understand your frustration on these transfers. Please let me assure you that your satisfaction is the utmost priority for us here at Pangea. Please contact us at [email protected] at your earliest convenience to review any issues with your transfers. Thank you.

James/Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 21, 2018 08:56 pm

Totally unprofessional service I had transferred money on March 8th 2018 through Pangea. I used my debit card. They took my money but My brother receipiant bank in India never got fund from them I called again I got emailed from them on Sept 25th they canceled the original transaction will getting refund in 3 business days. They sill hold my money for no reasons .they do not terminology of accounting one side debit and other side credit. They think credit their side same on them more than 7th money kept my money

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on July 29, 2021 02:47 pm
Hello Imtiyaz, thank you for bringing this issue to us. We are committed to making your sending experience as smooth as possible while making sure that your hard-earned money gets to your loved ones quickly and securely. Please contact us at [email protected] so we can investigate further.

James/Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 19, 2018 07:42 am

Totally unprofessional service. Don't trap guy's. I want to send money through Pangea. Initially they committed to credit the amount with in 3 to 4 working days. Amount was debited very next day but after 1 week it was not gone through. Then I requested to cancelled the application. Now, they says that , debited amount will be returned in 7 to 10 working days !!!!!

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on July 29, 2021 02:49 pm
Hey Dharm, we apologize if the refund took more time than anticipated; no one likes to wait. Please contact us by email at [email protected] with the details of your transfer. Rest assured that we will do everything possible to get your refund back to you promptly.

James/Pangea Money Transfer
Sai C
Posted on October 15, 2018 10:18 am

I initiated a transfer on 9th October which got cancelled in the next 30 mins. I reached out to the Pangea representative who told me that I had reached the max limit, which actually wasn't the case. I was told to try the transfer one more time and this time it seemed like the transfer was successful and I got an update on the 13th October saying the funds were sent. However, the fund never went to the receiver and on the 15th October, I get an update saying the transfer has been cancelled. Pangea people say the transfer was rejected by the bank in India (HDFC Bank). There was no transfer sent to that account in the last one month and the bank says there is no limit as such on the incoming funds. Moreover, since the amount has been debited from my account, I have to wait for another 7 to 10 days for the amount to be credited back to my account. I think I'm done with Pangea. Pathetic!

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 16, 2018 07:01 am
Hi Sai,
We are sorry to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards, so we are going to investigate further in order to have this resolved. If you could please contact us at [email protected] we would certainly appreciate it.

Thank you
Posted on October 15, 2018 07:30 am

Pathetic. Money was debited from the account, transaction canceled after 1 week, not sure of the cancellation reason, but one thing is sure....that I will not use Pangea again.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 16, 2018 07:01 am
Hello Vipin,

Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Could you please contact us at [email protected].

Thank you.
Posted on October 05, 2018 02:29 pm

Payment Cancelled with no Reason after 6 days of Transfer

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 09, 2018 07:37 am
Hello Surya,
Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Please, feel free to reach out to us at [email protected], at your leisure, so we can make it right.

Thank you
Posted on October 04, 2018 09:38 am

My last transfer was on 12th Sept. Now, in October, when I try to send money again, it says monthly limit reached. I called customer care and they told me that the bank has limited how much I can receive into my account in India. I know ICICI bank does not limit receipts. Pangea Customer care does not have the answers and I have no idea when I can use Pangea again.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 09, 2018 07:36 am
Hello Anand,

Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Could you please contact us at [email protected].
We'll work with you to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

Thank you.
Posted on September 29, 2018 06:49 am

Initiated Transaction on 24th. delivery mentioned by is 29th. Amount deducted from my bank account on 25th, but still no money deposited till date?

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on October 01, 2018 09:12 am
Hello Sridhar,

Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear your experience didn't quite match your expectations. Please note that it can take up to 8 days is for the option of $0 transfer fee for paying with your bank account number. The other payment method of paying with your debit card is a faster process, for this reason, this option may best suit your needs. Again, thank you for your feedback.
Posted on September 26, 2018 06:30 am

Transfer took a week and on final day got a mail saying my transfer is cancelled without any reason. Not reliable. Thanks for refunding the money quickly though.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on September 27, 2018 09:47 am
Hello Mohamed!

Thank you for posting your review. I'm very sorry we failed to meet your expectations. Please email us at [email protected] so we may further look into this and would appreciate another chance to earn your business. Again, thank you for your review

Thank you
Posted on September 24, 2018 09:28 am

In compareremit they say that transfer speed is within 4 hours. I transferred on Sep 19 and today is Sep 24 and still it is in process. Do not recommend if you want fast transfer, verify slow speed.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on September 25, 2018 08:01 am
Hello Parag,

Thank you for your feedback. We are sorry to hear your experience didn't quite match your expectations. Please note that the 8 days is for the option of $0 transfer fee for paying with your bank account number. The other payment method of paying with your debit card is a faster process, for this reason, this option may best suit your needs. Again, thank you for your feedback.
Posted on September 24, 2018 07:46 am

They will first steal your information before letting you know that the services are not available in your state.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on September 25, 2018 07:46 am
Hi Syed,

Thank you for your feedback and we apologize for the inconvenience. We invite you to check out the list of states from which you can currently send from. This and more information can be found on our website.

Thank you
Posted on September 18, 2018 08:45 pm

10$ promo - pP59878

Harish Agarwal
Posted on September 15, 2018 08:58 am

Pangea, doesn't have a business Etiquettes. I had transferred around $2999 on sep 4th and date went on postponing from 9th to 14th and then to 21st. I was transferring money due to some medical emergency and was waiting for it to be transferred. There was no communication from Pangea on why is this withheld. Atlast I had to call them to understand what the issue was and got to know that they are waiting for my id. If the id was a problem how could the initiate the transaction at the first place and if at they have initiated, they should have let the customer know that they are waiting for some id from customer. I won't refer anyone to use this. Worst experience ever.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on September 18, 2018 08:23 am
Hello Harish. Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Please, feel free to reach out to us, at your leisure, so we can make it right, at [email protected]. Once again, thank you for your feedback!
Posted on September 10, 2018 11:30 am

Did my first transaction on 09/02 and it was supposed to complete by 09/08. I am still waiting for my funds (09/10).

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on September 11, 2018 07:51 am
Hi Prabhu,
We are sorry to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards, so we are going to investigate further in order to have this resolved. If you could please contact us at [email protected] we would certainly appreciate it.

Thank you
Posted on August 02, 2018 02:57 pm

This is an update to my earlier review from March 2018. Pangea has resolved with satisfaction my only issue with them, my second transfer that took few days instead of just 4 hours. I have used their services few more times based on India exchange rates and the recipient got the money within few hours, in some cases under an hour, once the money is taken out from the source bank. Thank you for improving the services, Pangea, and continuing to improve it. This is important for your customers to have trust, particularly when the money transfer is urgent for family members.

Posted on July 19, 2018 02:02 am

I having the same problem as stated by Rajeev here. My money transfer of 3500$ from Bank of America to Citibank is missing starting April. Looks like Pangea is having problems between these two banks. Beware. Was Rajeev's issue ever resolved?

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on July 24, 2018 08:10 am
Hello Nayana,

Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Please could you contact me at [email protected].
We'll work with you to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

Thank you.
Posted on June 18, 2018 09:58 am

I am following up with them from last 6 days. Same thing happened with me 1st transaction cancelled and second went through. 2nd transaction is stating receiver already received money, but I never received it. I called my bank and they said there is no transfer from any body. they have deducted my money here already and its being 6 days now. I have filed a complaint and finally I will dispute this transaction to safeguard my money. It was my first experience and truly pathetic. " Sandra Gonzalez " is the person who replied me for the first time with very vague answer stating that your beneficiary can withdraw the money at any time. When money is not reached my bank account how bank will withdraw money ? I have replied on her email 3-4 times now but no reply at all. HORRIBLE SERVICE. DO NOT USE IT PLEASE.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on June 19, 2018 01:23 pm
Hello Nachi.

Your review is very concerning to us. We have reached out to you via email and requested further information.

Kind regards,
Posted on June 03, 2018 09:02 am

This is the worst money transfer service. DO NOT get sucked-in due to their $20 promotion, you will most likely regret it. I have tried it on two occasions and it was horrible experience both the times - once for cash pickup option and another time for transfer to s Bank account in India. In both occasions they had no explanations other than saying that the receiving bank rejected the transfer. I used exactly the same info with other service (ICICI Money2India) and it worked without any issue. These guys are creating customer nightmare and have no clue how to handle international transfer to India. Now I am stuck waiting for my funds to be refunded ...

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on June 05, 2018 08:50 am
Hi Mitali, I am very disappointed to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards, so I am going to investigate further in a bid to make sure this issue is resolved. If you could please contact me at [email protected] I would certainly appreciate it. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Posted on May 10, 2018 07:07 am

I found it very convenient. I’ve sent to Mexico and money is available within minutes. Use the code MYQ0598 to get an extra $20 on your transfer.

Posted on May 01, 2018 08:55 am

My transaction was cancelled saying recipient ICICI bank did not accept the funds however when i called a day before cancellation they told it is proceed and would be deposited. Now i have to wait for 90 days as per email for refund. its so disappointing experience.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on June 05, 2018 08:54 am
Hi Prashanth, Thank you for bringing this matter to our attention. I'm very sorry we failed to meet your expectations. I would appreciate another chance to earn your business. Refunds to debit cards may take up to 7 business days.
Posted on April 23, 2018 01:52 pm

It’s very worst customer service and don’t believe the time schedule what they mentioned in website My money is stuck and no proper response. Their Live chat never works and they never reply for the mail. No updates on money transfer time and schedule . Don’t use this at all.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on April 25, 2018 01:25 pm
Hello Kondalu.

First, allow me to apologize on behalf of everyone at Pangea. We love what we do and we want every customer to have the best possible experience. Our records show we spoke to you and resolved the issue. Please receive my most sincere apologies on behalf of everyone on the team.

Thanks again.
Posted on April 19, 2018 04:00 pm

Was very fast! Literally within 2 minutes, money was deposited in the recipient's account. The promotional offers are awesome too. Would definitely recommend it!

Posted on April 19, 2018 12:57 pm

Used it for the very first time. Had a very swift and hassle free experience. Immediately, after couple of minutes I could see the money in my India account. A+ service.

Rajeev Ranjan
Posted on April 18, 2018 01:24 pm

I sent $1000 from my Bank of America account to my Citi Bank account India. Money never reached. Citi bank is saying that no amount received. When I contacted Pangea, I was told that talk to Bank. My money is gone. Very poor service. I lost my hard earned money. Very bad service. I am thinking to contact Attorney to look into my case.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on June 05, 2018 08:56 am
Hi Rajeev, I am very disappointed to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards, so I am going to investigate further in a bid to make sure this issue is resolved. If you could please contact me at [email protected] I would certainly appreciate it. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Rajeev Ranjan
Posted on April 18, 2018 01:14 pm

I sent $1000 from my Bank of America account to my Citi Bank account India. Money never reached. Citi bank is saying that no amount received. When I contacted Pangea, I was told that talk to Bank. My money is gone. Very poor service. I lost my hard earned money. Very bad service. I am thinking to contact Attorney to look into my case.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on June 05, 2018 08:56 am
Hi Rajeev, I am very disappointed to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards, so I am going to investigate further in a bid to make sure this issue is resolved. If you could please contact me at [email protected] I would certainly appreciate it. Looking forward to hearing from you.
Posted on April 16, 2018 10:17 am

Very poor support from customer service and left so many voicemails and emails to customer care support which held up my transfer and couldn't send money in time until verification has been completed I would not recommend anyone to use this service

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on April 16, 2018 12:43 pm
Hi Kunal,

We are very disappointed to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards. Unfortunately we cannot disclose personal account information on here. You can contact us at +1-866-858-9928 Mon-Friday 9am 6pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm CST for more information.
Nisha Darda
Posted on April 13, 2018 09:53 am

I have tried to transfer money twice, to India (bot times when the transfer rate was a bit higher than normal). Both times, it has been cancelled by Pangea, without any reasons been given. I was promised a PROMO of extra $41 first time, and $21 this time. Do not know how you guys work, the call centre number just keeps some music running without answering me! Fed up with you guys!

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on April 16, 2018 12:38 pm
Hello Nisha,

First, allow me to apologize on behalf of everyone. We love what we do and we want every customer to have the best possible experience. Our promotional offers vary and can change daily. Unfortunately we cannot disclose personal account information on here. You can contact us at +1-866-858-9928 Mon-Friday 9am 6pm, Sat-Sun 9am-5pm CST for more information.

Thanks again.
P Mukherjee
Posted on April 12, 2018 01:50 pm

Very Very poor service and customer support. Those who were successful with this service they are lucky enough but unfortunately I'm not. My first transfer was not through, when asked customer support, simply answered, "Receiver Bank Rejected". I use Ria, Xoom, Money2India, never encountered such issue, with the same receiver bank ICICI Bank. On top of that, Pangea has dumb terminal, Once you entered your receiver end account number and IFSC code you and the customer service no one can access and edit the account number or IFSC, hence if by mistake you entered any wrong information at the time of receiver registration or first transfer, you have no option with this business. Even you can not create a new account if you have any existing account with them. This is what the customer support has informed me, on my review call......... I'm not got going to use this service, any more

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on April 16, 2018 12:25 pm
Hello P Mukherjee,

Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. Unfortunately our team cannot edit banking details that were submitted. "[Name of the Reviewer],
Thank you for letting us know about this. Feedback like this helps us tackle issues and become a better business.

Thank you,
Yaser Siddiqui
Posted on March 30, 2018 04:12 pm

Worst Worst Worst! Terrible experience that I had with Pangea, attracting customers by giving coupons but it's a waste of time. Deposit is not completed to State bank of India which is widely used by lot of customers when I call customer support their fail to give the reason why it's been cancelled. However they deducted money from my account stating that I will receive refund within 3-7 bussiness days. I don't understand while my transaction is not processed how you will deduct money from account? and asking me to wait for so long? disgusting poor service poor customer support bunch of mexicans jerk sitting over there can't even understand english. It's better to use Xoom than Pangea they won't deduct money from your account unless the transaction is completed. I need my money back to account as soon as possible without any delay since the transaction is cancelled. Hate Pangea!

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on April 02, 2018 04:45 pm
Hello Yaser,

Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected.
Refunds for transfers paid by debit will be credited back to the card used to fund the transfer.
Refunds to debit cards may take up to 7 business days. If you would like more information, the following links can be helpful.

If you experience any issues with your refund, please contact us at +1-866-858-9928.

Thank you,
Posted on March 26, 2018 01:29 pm

Rude customer service representatives. This was my simple feedback: "It would be great to have both express (extra fee) and standard delivery (no fee) like Western Union/remitly as it provides flexibility to customers who can choose to wait" Here's a rude response for a feedback: Cesar Zambrano (Pangea Money Transfer) Mar 23, 2:49 PM CST Hello Yagami, I would like to inform you that we, Pangea Money Transfer are not Xoom, Remitly, or Western Union. Therefore our policies are different and that's what makes us a more reliable company. Your opinion is greatly appreciated but irrelevant. Pangea Money Transfer. P.S. Your email was not forwarded to our CEO Nishu Thukral. (He has other important issues to attend to.) A company that cannot take a simple feedback/suggestion doesn't deserve my money transfer business. This was the attitude for just a feedback. I wonder what would be the response for a query on my money transfer.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:46 pm
Hi Yagami,

We are very disappointed to hear this and sincerely apologize for the experience. I can assure you this is far from our usual standards, we will investigate further in a bid to make sure this issue is not repeated.
Thank you.
Posted on March 29, 2018 02:12 pm
Thank you for the response. I understand I shouldn't rate the service based on one poor response from an untrained representative like Cesar Zambrano but customer representatives are supposed to be the face of your company and their responses assure us of your service and quality of care. Please make sure Cesar Zambrano receives adequate training in customer support and make sure they're polite in their responses. I wouldn't mind giving your service a try after this response.
Thanks again for looking into this.
Posted on March 29, 2018 02:12 pm
Thank you for the response. I understand I shouldn't rate the service based on one poor response from an untrained representative like Cesar Zambrano but customer representatives are supposed to be the face of your company and their responses assure us of your service and quality of care. Please make sure Cesar Zambrano receives adequate training in customer support and make sure they're polite in their responses. I wouldn't mind giving your service a try after this response.
Thanks again for looking into this.
Posted on March 29, 2018 05:40 pm
Posted on March 23, 2018 11:47 pm

Worst experience ever. I had cancelled my money transfer in February and still i have not received the refund. There customer service is worst and they never responds to emails. When i called they said there is no specific timeline when they will return your money. is this how you deal with people money? I have used several services till now but this is the worst of all.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:44 pm
Hello Niket,

Thank you for posting a review and we're sorry to hear that your experience was not of the quality you expected. We would like the opportunity to investigate your feedback further. Please could you contact us directly. We'll work with you to resolve any issues as quickly as possible.

Thank you,
Posted on March 23, 2018 11:13 am

I moved from CT to NJ and changed address to all my accounts and debit cards but PANGEA is not allowing me send money using my account, i talk to BOFA and they said their accounts are national accounts and they don't transfer account between states. this is the limitation in PANGEA i think.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:41 pm
Hi Kuldeep,

We are truly sorry your experience was not to your satisfaction. We are looking into the issue.
Posted on March 20, 2018 08:03 am

Worst customer service ever. You try calling customer service and there is never an agent available. Also, they will never return your calls or emails.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:38 pm
Hi Christina,

Thank you for letting us know about this. Feedback helps us tackle issues and become a better business.
Posted on March 14, 2018 10:43 pm

It's Not reliable. I transferred $1510 to India on 8, March, 2018 but this transaction is not completed yet.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:37 pm
Hi Sourabh,

We are sad to hear things did not go as expected. If you have a moment please contact us directly. We would like to personally resolve this problem to your satisfaction.
Posted on March 12, 2018 08:22 am

I have tried this Pangea process, with in 5 mins money was debited from from US account and shown as transferred to india. But with no reason it was cancelled and now they were telling refund will be credited in 3 to 7 days...Totally lost belief on this Pangea site and lost the main purpose of sending money... pls dont use it

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:34 pm
Hi Harish,

Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear we didn't provide you with the best possible experience.
There are various reasons why a transfer may not have been accepted. Please contact us directly for more information.
Refunds to debit cards may take up to 7 business days.
Posted on March 11, 2018 10:55 am

I have never used anything except for Xoom to send money to India. Tried out Pangea and it turned out to be amazing !! transfer done in 3 minutes (that's some speed) to my SBI account and got the $31 bonus as well :) Read some of the bad reviews on the site but I believe it differs case to case. May be the state you are in (every state has different regulations and thus read many comments on transactions being cancelled) makes a difference. Please see I am in GA. Also the Indian bank that you are transferring money to might have an impact depending on their partnership with Pangea. Really can't say about the state of customer care service as I did not have a need to reach them :) Hope the review helps.

Posted on March 09, 2018 07:50 am

Pangea is saying money is transferred to reveiver account but it's wrong. i raised money transfer request on 24-Feb-2017 but still this transfer is not completed yet. I raised cancellation request but this request also not completed. I am asking to return my money to bank of amrica account but no response. Customer care service is not good Transfer ID fa41827aa1774776be6c0b01397bfb75 CHECKCARD 0225 PANGEA MONEY TRAN 866-8589928 IL 75418238056051424789204 . I sent email to Id@gopangea and help@gopangea but no response.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:31 pm
Hi Vipin,

Thank you for your honest feedback. I am glad that we came to a resolution. We have a culture of constant improvement and feedback like yours helps shape us for the future.
Posted on March 08, 2018 09:37 am

Folks, In compareremit website PANGEA is giving $1 = INR 64.65. But PANGEA is giving as 64.55 in the PANGEA website.It's showing one rate and giving is different rate which is low. It's not only about the money.It should be trust between PANGEA and Customers.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:24 pm
Hi Naresh,

Thank you for your review. We are sorry to hear we didn't provide you with the best possible experience. We will use this feedback as a tool to help us improve for the future.
Anuj Sharma
Posted on March 07, 2018 08:37 pm

The bonus of 31$ is attractive. The transaction was smooth. I uploaded my AZ DL as identity which was not accepted as a Federal proof. Hence after 12 hours received a request to upload a new identity. Send the passport through email and it took 5 mins for the transaction to pass through. Thanks for excellent service.

Posted on March 07, 2018 11:56 am

I have tried so many apps for transferring money to ASIA. With respect to speed (i mean the actual deposit into recipient account) Pangea is supersonic!! I just did my transfer and was fascinated by the turn around time. I received an email about transfer initiation at 12:15 and the amount was deposited around 12:40 mark (same day). What else you need! The debit fee may give one a second thought but at this speed of deposit we can live with it, unless you are ok to wait on an average 5-7 days with other apps. Well done Team Pangea!

Posted on March 07, 2018 11:23 am

Worst customer care.They don't even answer the questions patiently.When you ask few question they simply reply as "Team Pangea: Thank you for contacting Pangea Money Transfer have a great day!".For each question they will reply like this.Bad service.I don't trust this service.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 29, 2018 12:23 pm
Hi Nani,
Thank you for letting us know about this. Feedback helps us tackle issues and become a better business.
Pooja Shah
Posted on March 02, 2018 07:03 am

Pangea money transfer speed is Excellent! . I got Extra $31.. I love it.. Awesome Guys, I was really impressed.

Pangea Money Transfer
Posted on March 05, 2018 01:01 pm
Hello Pooja,

Thanks for letting us know. We are so glad to have you as a customer and please do not hesitate to let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.
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